Allure Hotel Apartments BCMS

Regular Events

Body Corporate Committee Meetings

Meetings are held regularly throughout the year. Non-committee members are welcome to attend as observers and must give 24 hours written notice to the Secretary (via Archers the Strata Professional).

Keeping Up To Date

Try the following to keep up to date with what is happening in the building and surrounds:

  • This website has lots of useful information for AHA residents.
  • Owners have access to StrataMax to pay their levies, view minutes of meetings and access a range of important scheme information and documents. Log in using your login and password to access the information. Contact Archers the Strata Professional at (07) 4722 2782 if you need help logging in.
  • Look out for notices of meetings and other events. These notices are posted in the notice holders in each of the lifts.

Important Contacts

Emergency: Fire, Ambulance, Police000
Police (for non-emergencies eg noise complaints)13 14 44
Building Manager Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am – 12.00pm
(07) 4767 7997
Body Corporate Manager (Stephen McCulloch, Archers the Strata Professional)
Email Stephen McCulloch
(07) 4045 7403
0409 056 058
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